playlabs® gaming camp will provide an opportunity to learn new games, meet new friends, and learn to work as a team.

Across 3 days players will work with a playlabs® coach and learn how to play three of the biggest games in the esports scene:

  • Day 1: Valorant
  • Day 2: League of Legends
  • Day 3: Rocket League

Worried about never having played these games before? No sweat. The other campers are in the same boat. Our playlabs® coaches are trained to help you pick up new concepts and understand these games quickly so you can enjoy playing them instead of trying to understand them.

In addition to gaming there will be discussions about the important role that physical fitness and mental health play in esports.

These three games demand skills in communication, teamwork, and mental fortitude in order for success to be found. It is because of this that these games are featured in our camp where attendees will grow as individuals and have a great time doing it.

Only $100 – camp is 3 hours per day for 3 days

morning session 9am-noonafternoon session 1pm-4pm

playlabs® gaming camp will provide an opportunity to learn new games, meet new friends, and learn to work as a team.

Across 3 days players will work with a playlabs® coach and learn how to play three of the biggest games in the esports scene:

  • Day 1: Valorant
  • Day 2: League of Legends
  • Day 3: Rocket League

Worried about never having played these games before? No sweat. The other campers are in the same boat. Our playlabs® coaches are trained to help you pick up new concepts and understand these games quickly so you can enjoy playing them instead of trying to understand them.

In addition to gaming there will be discussions about the important role that physical fitness and mental health play in esports.

These three games demand skills in communication, teamwork, and mental fortitude in order for success to be found. It is because of this that these games are featured in our camp where attendees will grow as individuals and have a great time doing it.

Only $100 – camp is 3 hours per day for 3 days

morning session 9am-noon
afternoon session 1pm-4pm